viernes, 28 de julio de 2017

Al Contrario de EEUU, Personas Transgénero son BIENVENIDAS AL EJERCITO del Canadá...vía twitter invitan a unirse

Canadá invita a los trans a unirse a su ejército

Pooco después de que el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, anunciase en Twitter que prohibirá que los transexuales sirvan en las Fuerzas Armadas de su país, los militares canadienses respondieron con otro tuit abriendo sus puertas a todas las orientaciones sexuales. 

"Damos la bienvenida a los canadienses de todas las orientaciones sexuales e identidades de género. ¡Unete!", declaró la cuenta oficial en Twitter de las Fuerzas Armadas de Canadá. 

El texto estaba acompañado por una foto de la banda de la Marina Real Canadiense desfilando en una de las celebraciones del Día del Orgullo Gay en Toronto, el mayor de su género que se realiza en el continente americano.

Se calcula que 200 miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas canadienses son transexuales. Entre 2008 y 2015, Canadá pagó 19 operaciones de reasignación de sexo con un costo total de 309.000 dólares canadienses (250.000 dólares estadounidenses).

En tanto, miles de manifestantes protestaron en grandes ciudades de Estados Unidos, convocadas por la comunidad LGBTQ, contra el anuncio de Trump de que prohibirá el ingreso de personas trans a las Fuerzas Armadas. Pese a que sus detractores no tienen duda de que el anuncio se convertirá en un medida legal en los próximos días, el Estado Mayor Conjunto aclaró ayer que la prohibición no se aplicará hasta que el Pentágono lo ordene.


Canada’s military had the best response to Trump’s transgender ban: ‘Join us.’

This week in Trumpland: health care, bashing Jeff Sessions and a transgender ban? What? In a series of tweets Wednesday, the American President announced that the military would no longer permit transgender persons to serve. The announcement shocked pretty much everyone, including the military itself. Trump hasn’t said who those ‘Generals’ he spoke to are, but no one at the Pentagon knew this was happening. Gotta love Twitter.

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
....Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming.....

He cites ‘medical costs and disruption’ as the reasoning behind his decision. Here’s the thing: according to a 2016 study of the American military’s transgender service members, their medical costs are a mere $2.4 million to $8.4 million annually. That’s barely a measurable fraction of the military’s nearly $600 billion–that’s billion with a ‘B’–spending. The ban would discharge an estimated 1,320 to 6,630 active service members who have already committed to giving their lives for their country.

As has become common practice over the past few months, Canada has come out and asserted their position in opposition to a controversial (and far-right) Trump statement. The Canadian Forces Twitter account posted within hours that they welcome Canadians of all sexual orientations and gender identities to join them. They also posted a picture of Canadian service members at a Pride parade.

Canada’s military only includes about 200 active transgender members, but our military is significantly smaller than the States’ so that makes sense (68,000 people to America’s 1,281,900).

NDP members of government are also calling on Justin Trudeau to publicly condemn Trump’s statements to strengthen Canada’s stance even further. The Canadian military and government has also been working on updating its transgender policy to better address technical issues as well as those surrounding bathrooms and showering. This is definitely a Canadian response.

A number of celebrities have also tweeted to speak out against the ban. Like, all of them.


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